I sent a FUp to NHK Nagoya in English and Japanese with PPC and a sample letter of how other NHK stations send a verification but got everything back with this letter.
Anyway, thanks for replying.
Received in 5 weeks.
In 2018 I went with a few radio friends to Parkalompolo Sweden. There you can catch lots of radio-stations from all over the world. Receiving stations from Japan is extraordinary fun and results most of the time in very nice replies from the stations. All reception reports were sent by regular mail. It is widely known that email is a no-go for Japanese stations. (Now more than 40 stations).
List updated: JOIK NHK R 1 , Sapporo, 567 kHz (sent a Fup and replied in 11 weeks) JOAK NHK R 1, Shobu-Kuki 594 kHz JOBK 666 NHK R 1, Osaka...
This policy truly makes no sense!